We had already start working on 2019 ✊🏼
Slowly but steady, we already secured our two annual dates in Luxembourg. In march and in October for the Luxembourg Bear Pride 2019.
We have some performers in mind, especially for the bear pride since the party we cannot set up for the Mr. Rubber Election. We would love to work with a cute couple which are doing amazing work as performers but also as brand creator. Stay tunes for more informations 😉
We are working on this website. The events section is now operational and the past events will be inserted inside when we’ll have a little bit of time. We want to focus on the new ones first 😄. The gallery content is in migration too and you can already find some uncensored pictures of our party. We put an « age wall » just because some pics can be sensible for an underaged public 🔞 and, even if we know that nothing will replace the oversee of parents, we want to give a quick heads-up / content trigger warning before displaying those kings of pics
We’ll continue accepting credit, debit, cash and contactless payment at party since we introduced for the bear pride event. So it’s not just only online like before but you can now just cashless.
We are working on a very nice partnership with a new hotel, closer to city center, to provide you the best rate for quality room, including breakfast and late checkout.
Last but not least, we renew our partnership with Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise to advertise about #safesex, giving away free condoms at the parties, and putting some docs about PeP, PreP and other forms of protection. We are looking for volonteers to be trained by them to be able to answer questions during the events. If you are interested, just drop us a line on our contact page.